HSI December 2024 Content Update

  • Forklift Inspection and Maintenance
  • Hazardous Driving Conditions

See course details below.

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Forklift - Inspection and Maintenance

This is the last lesson in a five-part, forklift operator training curriculum. The lesson will familiarize you with when and how to inspect, refuel, recharge, and lockout/tagout a forklift and will provide an overview of the maintenance and repair process. Specific maintenance schedules and inspection components can be found in the manufacturer-provided operator’s manual. The audience for this lesson includes anyone who will be required to operate a forklift on the job. An employer cannot allow a worker to operate a forklift until the employer can certify that the worker has successfully completed training on how to operate a forklift safely.

Also available in the following languages:

Spanish - Montacargas - Inspección y mantenimiento
Portuguese - Empilhadeira - Inspeção e manutenção
German - Gabelstapler - Inspektion und Wartung
French Canadian - Chariot élévateur à fourche - Inspection et entretien
Hindi - फोर्कलिफ्ट - निरीक्षण और रखरखाव
Korean - 지게차 - 검사 및 유지보수
Polish - Wózek widłowy - przegląd i konserwacja
Thai - รถยก - การตรวจสอบและบํารุงรักษา
Vietnamese - Xe nâng hàng - Kiểm tra và Bảo trì
 Chinese - 叉车 - 检查和维护
Russian - Вилочный погрузчик - осмотр и техническое обслуживание


Hazardous Driving Conditions

This lesson will teach you how to stay safe on the road during inclement weather, including preparation, safe driving techniques, and how to respond if you are in an accident.

Also available in the following languages:

Portuguese - Condições perigosas de direção
German - Gefährliche Fahrbedingungen
French Canadian - Conditions de conduite dangereuses
Hindi - खतरनाक ड्राइविंग की स्थिति
Korean - 위험한 운전 조건
Polish - Niebezpieczne warunki jazdy
Thai - สภาพการขับขี่ที่เป็นอันตราย
Vietnamese - Điều kiện lái xe nguy hiểm
Chinese - 危险驾驶条件
European Spanish - Condiciones de conducción peligrosas
Russian - Опасные условия вождения


Upcoming Course Retirements

HSI regularly evaluates courses in our library to ensure your learners are receiving the most current, accurate, and engaging training experience.
We create new, or update courses on a regular basis. As part of our process, we retire courses and typically replace them with a corresponding new, updated or alternative course. 
These courses listed in the document linked below are being retired on the dates listed in the document. 

For additional questions, contact HSI support or your Customer Success Manager.