
Workplace Safety

Online Training 

Join the tidal wave of organizations rapidly shifting to online training. It’s safer, smarter, and more efficient. HSI supports every level of critical workforce development, with online courses for:

  • OSHA Regulations
  • Equipment Safety
  • Workforce Compliance
  • Environmental Health & Safety
  • Office Ergonomics
  • ...and More!


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Take the Training Needs Assessment quiz and match your workforce with the right safety courses from a library of over 450 online safety courses.


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5-Minute Safety Training

Toolbox Talks

See what HSI training is like! 5-Minute courses are perfect for trying out, or as "toolbox talks" for your staff, or even annual refresher training.

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Meet with one of our experts, learn how it all works together, and see what online safety training can do for you.

What Training Do You Need?


Take the Safety Training Needs Assessment and match your workforce with the right safety courses from a library of over 450 online safety courses.

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Safety Training Overview


See what HSI training is like! Brief versions of HSI courses are perfect for annual refresher training, as "toolbox talks", or even just to try it out.

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Talk with one of our experts at HSI, learn how it all works together, and see what online safety training can do for you.

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Our Most Popular Safety Training Topics:

  • Hazard Communication
  • Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)
  • PPE Fundamentals, Eye and Face, and more
  • Slips, Trips, Falls
  • Fire Extinguisher Safety
  • Back Safety and Injury Prevention
  • Heat Stress
  • Emergency and Fire Preparedness
  • Electrical Safety: General Awareness
  • Driver Safety
  • Ladder Safety
  • Lockout Tagout
  • Hearing Conservation
  • Confined Spaces
  • Machine Guarding
  • Hand and Power Tool Safety
  • Office Ergonomics
  • Pandemics: Slowing the Spread

Is your training program still in the 90’s?

Computer literacy has never been higher. Each worker has a smartphone in their pocket. All of us log-in somewhere online. The modern workforce demands modern training delivery.

You need to meet them where they’re at, but what does that look like? More interactive online training and more time for a small group, hands-on instruction in the field.

Let’s put to rest the boring PowerPoint sessions, the time it takes to create them, ineffective DVDs in the classroom, and all of the admin work documenting these activities.

I want to see HSI's safety training!

Always aligned & current with regulations and best practices

Our compliance and instructional design teams work with subject matter experts from industry and government, to ensure that each of our online courses are never behind the evolving regulatory landscape, anywhere in the country.

I want to see HSI's safety training!

Lockout Tagout

Watch this brief demo of our Lockout Tagout course.

Watch Demo

Overhead Gantry

Watch this brief demo on Overhead & Gantry Crane Safety.

Watch Demo


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I'm baby pabst flexitarian mustache hammock, keffiyeh cold-pressed schlitz succulents bespoke lomo snackwave tote bag 3 wolf moon gochujang mixtape. Ugh hashtag mlkshk cold-pressed, live-edge williamsburg irony truffaut mustache pug. Cred forage disrupt, wayfarers lo-fi direct trade trust fund YOLO truffaut pork belly banjo selfies enamel pin hell of umami. XOXO marfa locavore synth franzen ethical salvia copper mug unicorn kogi letterpress. Taiyaki chambray tilde, lo-fi jean shorts fashion axe deep v authentic intelligentsia copper mug. Hoodie cloud bread banjo pork belly lyft.

The software is very easy to use considering the wide variety of employees at our business. The multi language option is key with our workforce. I like how there is the ability to upload your own content to supplement the training lesson. Most importantly, the support team is very quick to respond.
Kristina D.
Safety & Security Manager, Seacor Island Lines

Trusted by clients big and small.

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