The National Maritime Center (NMC) is a unit of the United States Coast Guard (USGC) under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. NMC has been granted authority to regulate the training and licensing of U.S. mariners, guided by the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Title 46, Chapter I, Subchapter B.
A current first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification is required for a Merchant Mariner Credential. HSI Adult First Aid | CPR AED (Version 9.0) was approved by the USGC/NMC for this purpose effective May 1, 2022. However, there are specific conditions for USCG acceptance that apply to every HSI approved Training Center and authorized instructor or instructor trainer.
A USCG approved HSI Recognition of Participation document must be issued to each mariner who successfully completes the class, along with a HSI Adult First Aid | CPR AED certification card.
USCG marine inspectors and/or NMC staff will not accept the HSI Adult First Aid | CPR AED certification card as meeting the regulatory requirements for a Merchant Mariner Credential if it is not accompanied by the USCG approved HSI Recognition of Participation document.
We have been advised by the NMC on multiple occasions that mariners are not receiving the USCG approved and required HSI Recognition of Participation document. This document is included within the USCG Regulatory Compliance Requirements for Training U.S. Mariners.
These requirements have been published in the Training Center Administrative Manual (TCAM) for ASHI and MEDIC First Aid and have been posted in the national approvals database in Otis for at least the past 12 years. If you are new to HSI or were accustomed to the previous EMS Safety process for USCG approval, please read these requirements carefully.
Please remember that HSI approved Training Centers and authorized instructors are required to comply with all applicable local, state, provincial, federal laws and administrative rules governing the approval, delivery, and administration of occupationally required training.