The new HSI Instructor Development Course (IDC) is now available. The new HSI IDC includes the 2020 Guidelines found in our new HSI programs: HSI Adult First Aid | CPR AED; HSI Pediatric First Aid | CPR AED; and HSI Basic Life Support (BLS).
The new IDC is offered in a blended format, saving time yet still giving you the same quality training for which HSI is known.
IDC blended credits can be purchased by a Training Center (TC) that has at least one authorized HSI Instructor Trainer (IT).
Interested in becoming an authorized HSI
Instructor Trainer (IT)?
Have you ever considered training new Instructors as a way of expanding your business? Or, do you work for a company who needs to regularly train new Instructors?
If so, the HSI Instructor Trainer Course (ITC) may be for you!
Any authorized HSI Instructor is eligible to take the online ITC. Upon successful completion, the Training Center Director (TCD) will simply need to finalize the process by paying the IT fee which includes shipping the new Instructor Trainer Guide (ITG).
See below for detailed instructions and videos about how to access the ITC in your Instructor or TCD portals.
All currently authorized Instructors must complete the HSI Instructor Update course in order to be authorized to teach the new, updated 2020 Guidelines HSI programs. If you haven't taken this step already, click here for more details on the steps you need to take to remain an authorized HSI Instructor.
*Authorized Instructors using the new HSI IDC do not have to complete the HSI Instructor Update course.
HSI Adult First Aid | CPR AED accepted by
the U.S. Coast Guard
As we continue to roll up our ASHI, MEDIC First Aid, and EMS Safety brands into one HSI brand, we are continually working on regulatory approvals and acceptances. This past May, the HSI Adult First Aid | CPR AED program was accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG).
For many years, ASHI, MEDIC First Aid, and EMS Safety First Aid and CPR programs enjoyed USCG approval. Now that USCG has accepted the HSI Adult First Aid | CPR AED program, we are no longer seeking approval for the individual ASHI, MEDIC First Aid, and EMS Safety programs.
If your customer or organization requires a course accepted by the USCG, be sure to order the HSI Adult First Aid | CPR AED program now. Available in your portal.
The latest manikin release from Prestan will be available to order in September. Choose from a single, 4-pack, or 12-pack, available in medium or dark skin tones plus diversity kits. Remember, all purchases count toward your TC discount tier!
HSI, 1450 Westec Drive, Eugene, OR 97402, United States, 1-800-447-3177