HSI March 2025 Content Update

  • Ethics for Everyone + Ethics for Managers
  • Learning Styles
  • March Focus: Engaging All Generations
  • Laboratory Safety
  • Chemical Hygiene Plan
  • Bottoms Up Gowning Procedures
  • 375-18 Real Power Balancing Concepts (1 CEH)
  • 107-02 - Energized Electrical Equipment Safety
  • 140-01 - General Concepts and Job Briefings

See course details below.

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Professional Skills Development

Ethics for Everyone + Ethics for Managers

Learners will examine how accountability, honesty, respect, and compliance can help you create a trustworthy and efficient workplace. Managers will learn how to build trust, maintain integrity, and develop transparency within their organization.


Learning Styles

In this updated series, learners will examine their own learning style by understanding how their brain works, then developing strategies to enhance their learning through personally tailored practices. Managers will also gain insight into how to meet diverse learning needs on their teams.


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March Focus: Engaging All Generations

Multigenerational workforces thrive with a culture that values the unique perspectives and strengths of each generation. This month, your learners will focus on fostering collaboration and exploring the best channels of communication to connect with each generation. Intergenerational relationships can help your teams leverage their diverse experiences and skills to ensure a cohesive, productive, and adaptable work environment.

  • Ins and Outs of Intergenerational Friendships at Work
  • Motivating All Generations at Work
  • Learning Together: Supporting Diverse Learning Needs
For more information visit www.blueoceanbrain.com

Workforce Compliance and Safety

Laboratory Safety

In this updated series, we updated and renamed the individual courses on Biological, Chemical, Physical, and Radiological Hazards to provide four comprehensive, hazard-specific courses that integrate content on hazard analysis, implementing controls, and working safely. We also redesigned the Laboratory Safety Refresher course to align with this new four-part series, ensuring a consistent and up-to-date learning experience.



Chemical Hygiene Plan

This lesson teaches gowning procedures for laboratories and research facilities, including preparation, hand hygiene, types of gowning equipment, and donning and doffing procedures for gowning equipment.


Bottom-Up Gowning Procedures

In this lesson, you will learn "bottom-up" gowning procedures for laboratories and research facilities, including preparation, hand hygiene, types of gowning equipment, and donning and doffing procedures for gowning equipment. Bottom-up procedures are most commonly used in compounding facilities.


Industrial Skills

375-18 Real Power Balancing Concepts (1 CEH)

Each generator, every MW of load, and every transmission system operating in an Interconnection must be included in the metered boundaries of a Balancing Authority. A Balancing Authority's goal is to serve energy to homes and businesses within their boundaries in a reliable and safe manner. NERC reliability standard BAL-001 directs Balancing Authorities to maintain Interconnection steady-state frequency with defined limits by balancing power demand and supply in real time. To maintain this balance, system operators must understand how to calculate the ACE equation and identify the impacts of each component. They must also understand the purpose of Control Performance Standard 1 (CPS1) and Balancing Authority ACE Limit (BAAL). The Real Power Control Balancing Performance training course discusses the BAL-001 requirements. It outline the components of the ACE equation and its impact on reliability. It also addresses compliance with CPS1 and BAAL. This online course is part of the Resource and Demand Balancing training series.


107-02 - Energized Electrical Equipment Safety

New updates on electrical tools and PPE requirements, contact release guidelines, and live-dead-live procedures.


140-01 - General Concepts and Job Briefings

Updates to clarify differences in applicability of requirements from 29 CFR 1910.332 and 29 CFR 1910.269


Upcoming Course Retirements

HSI regularly evaluates courses in our library to ensure your learners are receiving the most current, accurate, and engaging training experience.
We create new, or update courses on a regular basis. As part of our process, we retire courses and typically replace them with a corresponding new, updated or alternative course. 
These courses listed in the document linked below are being retired on the dates listed in the document. 

For additional questions, contact HSI support or your Customer Success Manager.