HSI August 2024 Content Update
- Cybersecurity
- August Focus: Creativity and Innovation
- Forklift - Safe Driving
- Confined Space Entry Supervisor
- Hazardous Materials Classification
- Combined Cycle Service and Fire Water Systems
See course details below.

Professional Skills Development
HSI is continuing its focus on cybersecurity to help protect you and your organization against evolving cyberthreats. This month, we're launching a new course on multifactor authentication and have updated seven existing programs to include the latest regulatory information and cybersecurity data. Stay informed and proactive to keep your digital environment secure.
- Protecting Intellectual Property
- Safely Sharing Information Online
- Using Strong Passwords
- Protecting Your Mobile Device
- Using Your Personal Device Instead of Your Work Device
- Multifactor Authentication: Making Sign-In More Secure
- Cybersecurity While Traveling
- Cybersecurity for Remote and Hybrid Workers

August Focus: Creativity and Innovation
Creative thinking is one of the most vital skills anyone can foster in our rapidly changing world. Explore ways to harness your most powerful and adaptable tool: your mind.
- Promptly Generated: Using AI as a Writer
- The Creativity of Science: How Neuroscience Can Help Break the Box
- Your Neighborhood Grocery Store: A Spotlight on Trader Joe's
For more information visit www.blueoceanbrain.com

Workforce Compliance and Safety
Forklift - Safe Driving
This is the fourth lesson in a five-part forklift operator training curriculum. The lessons in the curriculum include Forklift Fundamentals, Stability and Capacity, Load Handling, Safe Driving (this lesson), and Inspection and Maintenance. This lesson will teach you about techniques for operating and maneuvering a forklift safely, including how to drive on challenging surfaces, in enclosed areas, and near pedestrians.
Spanish: Montacargas - Conducción segura
French Canadian: Chariot élévateur à fourche - Conduite sécuritaire
German: Gabelstapler - Sicheres Fahren
Brazilian Portuguese: Empilhador - Condução segura
Korean: 지게차 - 안전 운전
Simplified Chinese: 叉车 - 安全驾驶
Thai: รถยก - ขับขี่ปลอดภัย

Confined Space Entry Supervisor
This lesson is designed for confined space entry supervisors, who play an integral role in ensuring the safety of teams entering permit-required confined spaces. This lesson provides an overview of a confined space entry supervisor’s responsibilities and details the hazards, control measures, permitting, and rescue operations they must know to help keep entrants safe.
Spanish: Supervisor de Ingreso a espacios confinados
French Canadian: Superviseur d’accès aux espaces clos
German: Beauftragter für das Betreten von engen Räumen
Brazilian Portuguese: Supervisor de Entrada em Espaço Confinado
Korean: 밀폐 공간 진입 감독자
Simplified Chinese: 密闭空间进入主管
Thai: หัวหน้างานเข้าพื้นที่อับอากาศ

Hazardous Materials Classification
This course provides awareness-level training for the hazardous material classifications of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA), and Department of Transportation (DOT).
Spanish: Clasificación de materiales peligrosos
French Canadian: Classification des matières dangereuses
German: Klassifizierung gefährlicher Materialien
Brazilian Portuguese: Classificação de materiais perigosos
Hindi: खतरनाक सामग्री वर्गीकरण
Korean: 유해 물질 분류
Polish: Klasyfikacja materiałów niebezpiecznych
Simplified Chinese: 危险材料分类
Thai: การจําแนกประเภทวัตถุอันตราย
Russian: Классификация опасных материалов

Industrial Skills
582-14 Combined Cycle Service and Fire Water Systems
Combined cycle power plants require a source of water free from environmental contaminants that can be used for cleaning and washdowns as well as firefighting efforts. Cleaning and firefighting water are normally both supplied from a service water tank. The Combined Cycle Service and Fire Water Systems course explains the flow paths of the service water and fire water systems and describes their major components. It also describes the design principles governing the operation of these systems.